Grooming is a vital part of caring for your dog, but how often should you…
Regular Dog Grooming: A Prerequisite for Proper Ear and Hearing Care
When you welcome a pet dog into your family, you would have to bear the responsibility of keeping it fit, healthy, and happy at all times. In return, you get the best companion for all your family members and embark on a never-ending fun ride as pet pooches are always ready to run, play, and enjoy the time.
Ear and Hearing Health: An Overlooked Aspect of Dog Care
Talking of dog care, there’s no denying that most owners remain dedicated to providing the best care to their canine pets but can still fall short due to a lack of knowledge. For those who prefer grooming their pups at home, there are a plethora of aspects that require the attention of pet owners. Among these aspects, ear and hearing care is among the most overlooked ones as owners still lack awareness about ear and hearing care even though they remain diligent when it comes to the coat and nails.
Relying on professionals is the best way of caring for your dog, as they are experienced, and skilled, and will cover all the aspects of dog grooming without any hassle. Let’s learn how regular professional dog grooming in Plano Texas benefits your pet pooch’s hearing health.
Ear Infection Prevention
When hair grows in abundance in the air canal, which is usually the case in dogs with floppy ears, the chance of ear infections is quite high. Such infections are painful and can cause discomfort, both of which can increase when the infections remain untreated. Visiting a center that offers pet grooming in Lewisville ensures your dog remains away from ear infections because the professionals will perform ear cleaning to remove dirt, wax, and debris from its ear canals.
Customized Solutions
The same ear-cleaning method wouldn’t work on different dogs, which is why it’s important to opt for professional dog grooming in Plano Texas. Experienced groomers are well-accustomed to different methods of ear cleaning and would easily find the perfect solution for your canine companion to ensure no damage is done during the cleaning process.
Hearing Loss Prevention
Hearing loss can occur due to improper ear cleaning. When you rely on trusted dog groomers, you get to eliminate the chance of unclean ear canals, and obstructions/water left inside after the cleaning process is completed. Since a pet dog’s hearing sense is important for its overall well-being, ensuring it doesn’t experience hearing loss is the duty of the dog owner.
Eliminating Discomfort During Cleaning
Dog owners can face various problems if they take things into their own hands and decide to perform ear cleaning at home. However, if you wish to avoid putting your pet pooch in an uncomfortable position, visiting a professional groomer appears to be the best solution as he/she would guarantee your pup goes through minimal stress and pain during the cleaning process.
Unlock Premium-Quality Dog Grooming Now!
Our team of talented dog lovers uses the best tools, technologies, and techniques to provide optimal dog grooming for all types of dogs. Whether your pet pooch requires a basic bath or an all-inclusive bath, you can rely on Paw Oasis Pet Resort & Spa for all your dog grooming needs. Call for detailed pricing today!